You can use the t-sql code to resume/suspend all databases from the always on group.
The code below will resume SQL data movement for all databases:
declare @cmd varchar(max) declare @cmd_suspend varchar(max) declare @cmd_resume varchar(max) declare c1 cursor read_only for select 'ALTER DATABASE ['+DB_name(database_id)+'] SET HADR ' from master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states where is_local = 1 open c1 fetch next from c1 into @cmd while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @cmd_resume = @cmd + 'RESUME' print @cmd_resume exec(@cmd_resume) print '--executed --> ' + @cmd_resume fetch next from c1 into @cmd end close c1 deallocate c1
The code below will suspend SQL data movement for all databases:
declare @cmd varchar(max) declare @cmd_suspend varchar(max) declare @cmd_resume varchar(max) declare c1 cursor read_only for select 'ALTER DATABASE ['+DB_name(database_id)+'] SET HADR ' from master.sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states where is_local = 1 open c1 fetch next from c1 into @cmd while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @cmd_suspend = @cmd + 'SUSPEND' print @cmd_suspend exec(@cmd_suspend) print '--executed --> ' + @cmd_suspend --set @cmd_resume = @cmd + 'RESUME' --print @cmd_resume --exec(@cmd_resume) --print '--executed --> ' + @cmd_resume fetch next from c1 into @cmd end close c1 deallocate c1